Informational Interviews

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November 4, 2012 by DanaSobel

It’s interesting what things give me solace. I’m sure it varies for everyone but what calms me is usually talking to a friend, going for a run, or eating.

I’m constantly reminded that I’m unemployed by my effortlessly depleting bank account and constant Informational Interviews. If you don’t know what an informational interview is, and you’re a job seeker, you should listen up!

Informational interviews are conversations with people who currently work in the field you are looking to dive into, or are people who someone has referred you to because they might be helpful for your job search in some way.

These interviews are not for a specific job, rather they are opportunities to network and gain a broader understanding of the industry or work environment you hope to get into. I’ve found them unconditionally helpful (even though I still haven’t landed the big J-O-B).

It’s nice to get advice from professionals and there’s absolutely no pressure because there isn’t an actual position at stake.

The downside to all these conversations has led me to this post.

I think I’ve spoken to at least 15 people at this point in both NYC and Philly and for some reason Friday was a bit of a breaking point for me. I knew I wouldn’t land a job by talking to the woman I spoke with (because there was no actual job) but on the ride home I couldn’t help but feel utterly helpless.

Networking, going to conferences, job applications, follow ups. It’s a lot to keep up with and it gets discouraging. What worse– I always ask what advice professionals have for me at the end of our conversation and more often than not they say: volunteer.

EEEEEEK! Work for FREE?!?! I thought my unpaid internship days were over! Guess not.

Logically, I know volunteering would be good to get my foot in the door, become a familiar face, get acquainted with that work environment and all that good stuff. But emotionally, it’s extremely hard to swallow.

So, after I was informed yet again to volunteer and left feeling empty, I did what I knew would make me feel better: I took a trip to Wegmans.

Wegmans always knows just how to heal me. Blueberries, granola, sushi, brie. You name it, Wegmans has got it!

After carefully perusing the store as I always do, I gathered what I needed to make what you see pictured above. It was a recipe adapted from a blog I love called Eat. Live. Run.

It’s a quesadilla that has sweet potato and black beans in it. I added scallions and tomatoes with some guacamole and chips to go on the side. It’s such a comforting quesadilla because the sweet potato gives it such a hearty feel. It’s delish! I truly suggest you try it.

So, my advice: When you’re having a hard day hit up Jenna’s blog, Eat. Live. Run., and make some delicious comforting food. You won’t be sorry.


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